Most women are naturally service oriented. We love to take care of others and show them our love and encouragement. This is an amazing quality to have and share but when it comes to the bedroom...this can often become a frustrating attribute. We can begin to feel that it is taking to long for our spouse to pleasure us and then guilt is created because we don't want him to feel like he is giving so much with nothing in return. When we are feeling stressed in the bedroom then the blood vessels constrict, yes the ones leading to your genitals and this can cause loss of arousal making it harder to orgasm.
We get to be open in the bedroom. Tell your spouse how you feel. If you know that you are not feeling like orgasm is going to happen tonight then say something sexy and sweet...such as " oh baby, tonight I want all the focus to be on you. I want to make you my own personal playland but I do not want to orgasm, tonight it is all about you". Stating something similar to this will take the focus off you and your orgasm and place the center of attention onto him. My personal experience is you will end up having an amazing orgasm anyway because you will be relaxed and your man will not be trying so hard. Relaxed sex is the most enjoyable sex that you can experience as a woman. Sex is all about giving and receiving. As a woman, and a woman who loves doing things for others, I love being the giver. I love making my husband the center of my sexual adventure. He loves this as well. I get more turned on by servicing my husband then I do when I do not service him. If receiving in the bedroom is difficult then focus on giving in a way that heats your fire as well. Give your hubby a slow, sexy, extremly erotic massage and tell him he is not allowed to touch you in any way. He will get so excited and turned on this will naturally turn you on as well. Some of us girls may find it difficult to enjoy sexual touch. Start focusing on giving and being the one in control when it comes to sex this will be very liberating. Even if you are extremly shy out in the world when it comes to the bedroom, change it up. You may find being the dominate one in the bedroom is just what your inner diva is begging for. When you become comfortable start allowing yourself to receive in the bedroom. It look me some time and consistant effort to allow myself to feel worthy of receiving in the bedroom without guilt attached. Giving and receiving are both equally important. I found giving to be easier so I started there and slowly allowed receiving to find a place in my heart. Sex is amazing and our husbands want us to be satisfied in the bedroom. They can not do it all on there own. Men are easily pleased in the bedroom( in my experience) and it confuses them that we are not the same. We are wired differently. This wiring can be color coded so we know how to achieve the results we deserve. Open up and decide to be a giver and a receiver. I promise you will not regret it! 60 days to a bedroom body will launch on October 1st 2015. Details will be coming soon and follow me on facebook!
![]() In society we have been taught that sex should look good instead of feel good. We are sexual beings and in the process of being sexual beings we have heard and seen many things that state sex looks like this. When we are feel that the sex we are having does not match up to the images we have seen, we create a disconnect with our sexual self. Sex does not look a certain way, sex is an amazing feeling and we get to overcome the attachments that we have created when it comes to the look of sex and start fully embracing the FEELINGS of sex. When we are making love to our husbands who cares what it looks like. When our man bends us over the couch and shows us his masculine sexual desire, who cares what it looks like. It is the feeling that is the most important part of sexually connecting. When we are sexual with our spouse and it feels good then we feel good. We feel happy and this happiness carries over into every part of our lives. We have a glow and a confidence about us. We are excited and fulfilled! Sex creates amazing emotions. Embrace the feelings of sex and stop focusing on the look of sex. When we embrace the feelings of sex it is easier for us to look and feel sexier. When we are sexual in our marriage on a consistent basis then the sexual happiness builds inside of us and we automatically feel and look sexier. By allowing yourself to embrace the feelings of sex you allow yourself and your spouse to build more and more positive feelings that are attached to your sexual energy. You both will be happier, look healthier, feel more connected, and both of you will be excited to lay next to each other every night as you will become each others pleasure centers. Dedicate yourself to your sexual happiness and fulfillment inside your marriage. Sex is something that is liberating, exciting, relaxing, passionate, sensual and erotic. Sex can also be something that can be challenging and difficult. We get to decide how badly we want an amazing sex life and work through the challenges we face so we can become sexually satisfied in our marriage. When we get to have sex with the same person for years we can either allow this to become boring or we can choose to create something different and allow this sex to become the BEST sex ever. I know what one I am choosing and with that choice comes excitement, passion and my own sexual playground of fun with my husband. We deserve to be sexually satisfied . Our husbands deserve to be sexually satisfied. We deserve to fully embrace the feelings of sex and create fun and excitement on a daily basis. Sexual energy builds. The more sexual you are in your marriage the more you will absolutely love and devour each other every night...or at least every other night! COMING SOON...60 DAYS TO A BEDROOM BODY. THIS IS GOING TO BE SUCH A FUN PROGRAM! CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND SUBSCRIBE! ![]() My husband is a very touchy feely type of man. 90% of time that he passes by me in the house he touches me in some way. This may be a soft and gently caress across the back or this can also be a hand sliding down my shirt to touch, well lets call it what it really is, grab my boobs. I know he just wants to touch me and show me that he is sexually attracted to me still...after 14 years together...this is meant to be a beautiful gesture BUT at times this can activate an anger in me that feels like I could literally rip his arm off at the shoulder. WHERE does this emotion come from? I love my husband. He is my best friend. He is my partner in life. I want him to want to touch me, so where does this anger come from? After some deep thought as well as speaking openly with my Mom, I found out where this comes from. Could this be an inherited emotion that my Mom use to feel when my biological abusive father, use to grab her in this way? She was pregnant with me and would experience this exact emotion. The rage, the anger, the sadness of a man that treated her wrongly touching her in this sexual way. Could this emotion become a characteristic that I took a hold of? I took this pain and placed it firmly within my sexual dialogue. I felt this emotion when I was in the womb as well as seeing my mom respond this way the first precious moments of my childhood. Sex was not a beautiful amazing moment for her and these thoughts, feelings and emotions have found a place into my sexual life as well. When I first became sexually active ,at the age of 17, I was always under some form of substance control. I loved smoking pot. For the next 4 years of my life there was pounds of pot, this also lead to cocaine, with an occasional mushroom trip splashed with a few acid trips, that turned into smoking crack which turned into the place where most drug users end up...the world of crystal meth. At the age of 22 I got out with determination, will power and having a daughter that I knew deserved a wonderful sober Mother. I have been drug free for 14 years now. I now know that a lot of this substance abuse was to mask the pain I felt sexually and emotionally. Even in my marriage there was a good part of the time that I would prefer to have a drink so I could be more liberated and open with my sexual self. There is this sexual diva that comes out strong when I have had a beer or 2 or a few crown and cokes. This sexual tigress arrives and she is on fire with passion, drive, determination and dominance. I would always feel sad afterwards because I knew that sex could be amazing without the use of something to dull my emotional pain. So I have choose to release the pain and sadness that I unconsciously decided to become part of my sexual story. I am still working through this process but now that I understand where it comes from it will be easier for me to release. This is just one small part of my sexual self. I have many other emotions and some sexual traumas as well that have really shifted my ability to see sex as I wish but I know I can get to that place with dedication, determination and will power. Where have some of your sexual emotions came from? What steps have you taken to move to awareness and release some of the pain? Take a moment and see if you can find some answers. Men have only two emotions~ hungry and horny!
If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich! Ha Ha Ha Since the beginning of time men have been attracted to women through their beauty. The healthier and more vibrant a woman looks the more a man would be drawn to her. In his mind she has the ability to carry a child and allow his genes to pass on. Women on the other hand are attracted to men through resources. The house they can provide, the income they can provide, the protection they can provide and the security they can provide. This is why you see an extremely attractive young lady with a man counterpart that looks like he may be half way in the grave already. She is attracted to his resources not his body! You would never see a young woman with a old man that is living in a retirement community and barely scraping by with the check that rolls in every month from the social security department. So if men are visually stimulated, what are you actively doing to stimulate your husband. I am not saying that you have to be a knockout. I am saying that confidence and a desire to show your husband all your curves and beauty is a starting point to create an amazing sexual connection. As a woman you have the peacock like feathers, embrace them and show your mate your sexuality and your sensuality, show him your soft girly side! How do you do this... you are asking? In the morning while you are showering notice all the beauty your body has to offer. Notice the line of your neck, the softness of your breast, the ampleness of your booty and the beauty of your legs. Embrace your beauty in a positive healthy way. Do not allow yourself to go to a negative place as this closes off any sexual energy that is being drawn to you. Confidence is key here. We all have body parts that we absolutely love and we get to use these parts to entice our husbands. Another way we can visually stimulate our husband is to activate our sexual diva in the bedroom. I am talking about being able to tap into your seductive self. Do not turn off the lights and jump underneath the covers. Get some dim lighting so your husband can see all your beautiful curves as well as your being able to feel confident at the same time. Seduce your husband. As women we love foreplay. Create ways all throughout the day to engage in small acts of foreplay. When you are in the bedroom embrace your inner sexual self and play with the act of sex. Sex is not just laying down and letting him slide his penis inside you. Sex is a playful way for you to turn your man on as well as a time for him to pleasure you. When we are sexually confident, your marriage will flourish. Remember men are visually stimulated and he wants to see all of you...naked and confident. He will not notice the flaws you think you have, he will notice that fact that you are pleasing him with your nakedness and your ability and desire to seduce him. When is the last time you remember saying something to yourself that was positive and uplifting. There is so much power in the thoughts we think and the way we talk to ourselves. This process of self love and self expression is what determines how we feel in the bedroom. If we are feeling bad about ourselves and thinking negative thoughts then we feel bad and negative. When we are feeling bad and negative there is no way we can be present in the bedroom. We will be completely caught up in our thoughts about what we do or don't have. Self love is the most important thing when it comes to a great sex life. Sex is positive, uplifting and very awakening. Sex allows us to be naked. Sex allows us to experience pure pleasure. Sex allows us to be completely vulnerable. Without self love being naked is hard. Without self love feeling pure pleasure is hard. Without self love we will never allow ourselves to be completely vulnerable. We will be in protection mode. If this is the mode we operate from in the bedroom we will ALWAYS fill unfulfilled. Take steps to love yourself more and love yourself often. Take steps to see your beauty and amazingness. Take steps to fill connected to your feminine energy. Take steps to feel comfortable inside your body. Our body is a major part of sex. Sex is spiritual and wonderful but it is also very physical. Our physical body is always a part of the sexual experiences we have. Become comfortable with it. Here are a few steps to start loving yourself more so you can experience greater pleasure in the bedroom.
1. Think positive thoughts about yourself and your spouse. See the amazingness inside you and notice the sexiness your spouse has as well. Build upon these thoughts so the desire to be intimate grows. 2. Touch and caress yourself. I am a huge advocate of loving your body and enjoying touch. If you are uncomfortable softly running your fingers from your neck line down to the top of your breast then you will feel uncomfortable when your spouse does it. Get comfortable with a sexual touch. You do trust yourself so open up to your own sexual expression. 3. Do things that make your feel feminine. Take a bubble bath and notice how beautiful your legs look raising up out of the bubbles. Take a shower and awaken to the fact you are an absolute beauty who deserves self love and sexual pleasure. Lead with your hips when you walk. This will naturally activate your sexual energy and create a more feminine type of movement. Write a love letter to yourself. Write a love letter to your spouse. These are all feminine things that you can do to activate your feminine sexual energy and love. 4. Think about yourself being completely present when you and your honey are having sex. Think about all the things you would like to experience and see yourself completely enjoying each and every one of these experiences. Sex is the one time you can completely release from any thoughts. This is the one time your brain can completely shut off from daily activity thoughts and focus on only receiving and giving pleasure. Use your brain in the most powerful of ways and pre-pave your sexual satisfaction. Think of it like a sexual vision board! 5. BREATHE! Our breath is a powerful tool to allow us to move out of our mind and into our bodies. Breathe, Breathe, Breathe. Take slow breathes through your nose and out your mouth when you are having sex. If you want to be secretive about this then have you and your husband get into a spooning position with him behind you. As he enters you take a deep breath and keep on breathing deeper and deeper. This way your face is away from his if you feel strange taking deep breathes will having sex. As women we deserve to be able to feel comfortable inside our sexual energy. This is also the greatest gift we can give our husbands. Focus on releasing all the baggage that we have created around sex and allow it to be what it is meant to be....PLEASURE! As I talk to women on a weekly basis I have noticed something that is so interesting to me...most women have a hard time saying the word Vagina! We have a vagina, we are born with a vagina, we came out of a vagina and yet most can hardly say the word. Why? If we can't even say the word vagina how are we possibly going to become connected to ourselves in a sexual way. Lets face it there are many different aspects of sex and sexuality but the vagina is an important part. We can say it is the STAR of the show. Without the vagina the male penis can experience arousal and even orgasm but when the vagina arrives with confidence and flare...the penis can feel its presence in a very powerful way. So as women we get to become really comfortable with the word vagina as well as becoming more comfortable with the physical beauty our vagina brings to the bedroom.
We want to have a healthy emotional connection with our vagina. Take some time and really become clear of any mental and/or emotional blocks that may have been adopted when it comes to your vagina. We get to release any beliefs that have created a negative pattern and commit to creating new beliefs... positive powerful vagina beliefs. The vagina is a beautiful body part. The vagina is AMAZING. The vagina is something we as women should treasure as much as our men do. Men are absolutely fascinated with the vagina. Men love the vagina. Men want to be rubbing, touching, caressing and if at all possible have their penis parked inside the vagina at all times. So your husband loves your vagina and now it is time for you to love it as well. Here are a few exercises to become more connected and comfortable with the word vagina as well as fall in love with your actual vagina. 1. Start using the word vagina. Stop saying " down there" or any other random terms that you are using to replace the word vagina. just call it what it is called...Vagina. Say it 3 times...vagina, vagina, vagina. It is really a pretty word. 2. Take care of your vagina. Make sure you are taking care of her like the gem that she is. Make sure see is washed, shaved(if you like her shaved), polished and ready to be displayed at a moments notice. Passion can happen at anytime and we want our vagina to be the beauty she truly is. 3. Look at your vagina. If you can not even look at your vagina because you feel that she is not what you want her to be then this is creating a negative relationship to your vagina. Look at how beautiful your vagina is. Look just for 10 seconds and work your way up day by day until you become very comfortable with your vaginas presents. 4. Do kegel exercises. This is tightening and releasing the muscles inside the vagina. This will create orgasms that are more intense, a stronger healthier bladder, and a tighter space for your husbands penis pleasure. Start with 30 and then get so you are doing at least 100 a day...10 reps 10 times a day! You and your vagina will be thanking you, maybe even screaming out in orgasmic pleasure....THANK YOU! Commit to establishing a healthier relationship with your vagina. You and your vagina will be happier, healthier and more satisfied in and out of the bedroom. Take a moment and think of the last time I experienced a night full of pleasure and passion?
When was the last time I created a space for myself and my spouse to fully explore one another and show each other sensual love? Am I able to relax and breath into my body or do I hold my breath and tighten up my body when I am in a sexual environment? Am I able to receive pleasure? Am I able to give pleasure? Can I show up fully naked without judgment and fear? Do I take time to create space to experience sexual satisfaction? I feel as women we deserve to take time and really dive into the answers of these questions. Why have we shut this part of ourselves off? Why is receiving pleasure difficult for us? Do we feel unworthy? Do we feel unsafe? Do we feel judged? Are we comparing ourselves to other women who we think have it all together? Why do we notice every little flaw but we never give credit to all the beauty we hold? Do we feel like being sexually satisfied makes us dirty and whorish? Was our first sexual experience one that was damaging and hurtful or painful and confusing? These questions and answers can allow us to open up and shift many of our sexual blocks. If we are not sexually satisfied then we will always feel a disconnect with the world and we will absolutely feel disconnected from our spouse. When we have feelings of sexual dissatisfaction we will create more feelings of dissatisfaction and we will slowly allow ourselves to feel miserable inside our marriage and then our marriage will fall apart. Sex is extremely important to both a man and a woman. Men and women both love sex. Sex is a beautiful way to share ourselves with the one we truly love while receiving immense pleasure. Sex releases hormones that reduce stress. Sex brings happiness into our lives and allows us to connect on a very deep level. Sex is absolutely amazing. Sex is also super painful and filled with hardship and sadness as it activates our core beliefs about ourselves. What better way to know how we truly feel about ourselves then to get completely naked and allow yourself to be entered or be the one entering someone. This is a fool proof way to know if the core belief that is programmed inside us is a healthy one or if it is very damaging. Sex for most women is something that is very emotionally painful. This feeling is coming up because a core belief is being activated about ourselves that is not true and sex is allowing us to recognize it, feel it, and then release it as it no longer is a belief we want to have. Beliefs are just that...beliefs. We can choose to change them at any time. We will have to put some effort into shifting our sexual beliefs but I promise this journey is a journey that will pay off in so many ways. We will feel happier, healthier and whole. We will have feelings of deep love and pure gratification. The journey to awaken the sexual energy and feel it in a loving and peaceful way is a journey that is worth every step. Awaken to your divine right to be sexually satisfied. Open yourself up to the light and know that we all deserve this energetic sexual connection with ourselves and our spouse. Decide today to take the road less traveled and thou you will have many ups and many downs you will end up at the destination of pure joy and pure sexual energy. The place that allows us to feel the vibration of sexual energy. This is an amazing place and this place will allow our marriage to lock into a deeper connection that will be cemented in butterfly feelings. These feelings will be happening in our vaginal area and when we get butterfly feelings in our vagina how could we not be happy! Start your journey today! You deserve it! Your spouse deserves it! Your marriage deserves it! Reach out to me as I do one on one coaching sessions with emotional release sessions as well as guiding you on your journey to sexual freedom and sexual happiness! I love assisting individuals in releasing the core beliefs that keeps them from receiving pleasure and from fully showing up in their marriage. Marriages are the one relationship that can awaken us to all our core beliefs and when we are aware of these beliefs we can shift them to healthier beliefs and love our spouse more instead of blaming them and running. Artist: Samarel Sex requires effort. I should say GREAT SEX requires effort. When I was a teenager I would watch these romantic movies. The ones that are filled with drama. The hate, the betrayal, the hurt, the lost love, the hot and heavy passion. The type of passion that was fueled by negative emotions. Sex is not a negative emotion. Sex is a positive emotion. Yes I am using the word emotion as sex always comes from emotion. When is the last time you had sex with zero emotion? It never happens. We either feel positive emotions or negative emotions. One feels good and one feels bad. We want sex to be filled with positive emotion. This requires effort. Think about this for a moment. When we want to learn to cook what do we do? We get some cook books, watch some youtube videos, look up some recipes’ and then we try different variations of meals. Which ones are good, which ones are okay and which ones are down right awful. Well this is the same with sex. When we want great sex we should get some books, watch some youtube videos( haha) and try different recipes'. Some of these recipes' will be Good, some will be okay and others will be a recipes' you never want to use again. Sex is so much fun when we let our guard down and allow ourselves to be pleasured and experience creativity. The bedroom is the married couples playground. This is the place where you can express your fun side, your serious side, your erotic side as well as your soulful side.
Commit to experiment in the bedroom. Here are 5 exciting things to try in the bedroom over the next few weeks. I feel sex should be experienced at least 3 times a week. I know it may sound like a lot but if you are not committed to being sexual on a regular basis you will fall into the ROOM MATE category and this can become the reality of the relationship. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN. It seems to me the longer you go without having sex the easier and easier it becomes to live without it. I also have found the opposite to be true. The more you have sex on a regular basis the more sex you will continue to have because it creates a bond that you will cherish and long for. Here are some examples of different things you can try. 1. Put on some soulful music, light an incent, put on some dim lighting and commit to making out for at least 10 minutes with your clothes on. ( Remember this when you were dating) so much fun! 2. Get some sexy food. Whip cream and chocolate syrup are always good ones. Ice cream is good as well but it is sooooo cold. Have some fun with one another. You can put these things on your own body and surprise your spouse or co create. 3. Tie your man up. Some times men are so quick to be touching, rubbing and wanting to get to the vagina as soon as possible. Take his touch away from him in a sexy sensual way. Tie his hands to the bedpost or to anything that makes it so you can caress his body and drive him mad. You will love this. I personally love the moments in the bedroom where I have complete control 4. The vagina longs to be primed for the penis to enter. Commit to having your husband work with you to get you so excited and so ready that you are begging for him to thrust his penis into you. This usually takes about 15-30 minutes or it can take 5-10 minutes, Depending on how the woman feels and the connection she is feeling with her vagina and her man. When your energy is so explosive and you are ready to be entered you will be amazed with erotic sensations. You can also do this yourself through out the day. I personally love looking at erotic art, I love thinking about sexy things, I love picturing how I am going to drive my husband wild. These things get my sexual energy flowing. 5. Watch an erotic movie. I am not talking about porn. I am talking about a movie with a story line that involves sex. I love the movie 9 1/2 weeks. I really enjoyed the movie, Room in Rome( this is about a girl on girl encounter) with a story line and emotion...very erotic. As a woman I really enjoy movies or series where there is an emotional tie between the lovers. Something that is palpable. I personally can feel turned on when I see an actor and an actress kiss because of the emotional story I can deeply feel. This is why porn is more challenging for me to enjoy. The emotion is not there. We see so many images that take us out of our sexual energy. Find a passionate movie and watch it together. You will either feel extremely turned on and into your sexual self or you will have a lot of emotion come up. This is super healing. Discuss how you feel if emotion is coming up and see if you can release it and move through it. Boredom in the bedroom is a sure way to feel disconnected. We all have that inner sexual diva that wants to try wild things and express our sexual self in an open and confident way. When is the last time you have done something new, exciting, different and out of the box? When is the last time you have sat down and had a conscious thought about your sexual plans for the night, weekend or a special occasion. Sex is something that can become boring unless you are putting constant thought into your sexual wants, desires and cravings. I am not saying that you have to be thinking about sex every minute of every day but sexual thought will assist you in creating sexual expressions that awaken both you and your man. If you are waiting for your man to plan all these wonderful ways to express his sexual wants and desires for you in a creative may be waiting a long time. Men love sex and thou some men are very creative they may not be super creative in the bedroom! Sexual expression is something we deserve to get very comfortable with. Sexual expression creates excitement back into the bedroom. After 15 years with my hubby I can still get butterflies in my belly when I have planned something a little wild and out of my sexual comfort box! I myself hate to be bored and anything can become boring when it is the same thing night after night. Here are a few ideas of how you can create some sexual spontaneity in and out of the bedroom!
1. Dress up...Find a sexy piece of club wear and put together a sexy candle light dinner for you and your man. Get your hair done, put on flattering make up, shave your legs, lotion your body, and then slip into that sexy little number that you have personal picked out. Make sure it is a piece you feel erotic in. Don't pick a piece that makes you feel self conscious. Pick a piece that you feel sexy in but also will make your man feel like you are wearing it for his viewing pleasure. Then play the part ladies. I love this. I love playing the part of a woman who so badly wants her man to notice every inch of her curvious body. Act like you just landed the lead role in Basic Instinct and seductively seduce your man! 2. Dance...Every man wants a private erotic strip tease for his own viewing pleasure and it is even more enticing when he knows he gets to fuck you at the end of this amazing show. Be seductive, move slowly and allow your hands to move all over your body in the way you would want your lovers hands to move all over your body. Close your eyes and allow your inner dancing vixen to be explored. You will feel empowered and your man will feel excited. 3. Take pictures...With the invention of digital cameras this can be a super fun one with no risk. Most cameras have self timers on them so you can take all the sensual pictures you want and then allow your man the opportunity to see you expressing your sexiness. I love this one. I feel a little uncomfortable with my husband taking the pictures but with the ability to put my camera on a tripod and take all the pictures I want with no one else in the room is truly liberating. You will find a part of yourself that says " DAMN...I am super hot"! Keep the pictures you want and erase the ones that you don't. Then surprise him with a slideshow or just let him scan through the pictures on the camera, then when the evening is over...hit the delete button and the evidence has vanished! What a beautiful invention! Love the digital camera. You can also take pictures of each other, this is a fun way to connect and create an intimate moment...warning there can be laughter involved when taking pictures together but in a good way not an embarrassing way! There are so many things you can do but make sure you are doing something new on a regular basis! This will keep the excitement alive and also awaken your own sexual diva. Woman love sex but we are super creative creatures as well so what is more perfect then creating new ways to express our sexuality! Do something new in the next 5 days! I believe that women experience extreme duality when it comes to sex. I call this the classic battle of Good vs. Evil. Right vs. Wrong. Light vs. Dark. Wholesome vs. Slutty. I believe that most women feel as thou they have to classify themselves into a sexual category. This feeling of being in the " RIGHT" and " APPROVED" of category can completely shut down the sexy, fun, excited, wild, hot and expressive girl inside. She feels as thou she is not accepted for what she brings to the table so she hides in the corner not willing to break free from her cage. She expresses herself with anger, rage, sadness, depression and eating herself into numbness. I am going to identify this personality inside and call her " Slutty Sally".
Slutty Sally is inside each and everyone of us girls. She longs to be expressed and she longs to be acknowledged. Slutty Sally wants to be part of our whole self. She brings excitement, creativity, and sensuality. She awakens our sexual essence. Slutty Sally has the ability to make us feel alive. She can allow us to express our sexual wants and desires. She will open us up so we can feel , connect and express our truest diva self. Slutty Sally is here for a reason. She brings us into our beauty of embracing our sexual self. Slutty Sally is super fun. She is extremely open. She loves to receive and give pleasure. Slutty Sally loves to share her essence with her man. Slutty Sally loves to make her man crave her, long for her, devour her. She knows what she wants and she is not afraid to create sexual dynamite. Slutty Sally is confident in the bedroom. She wears exciting attire and seduces her man and herself in the most sensual of ways. Slutty Sally is a sexual woman, she is not a little girl. She walks with her hips, she licks her lips, she caresses her body and she demands her mans attention. Slutty Sally wants to be approved of and accepted. She wants you to love her and know that she is part all of us. Slutty Sally is absolutely amazing and she will allow you to express your sexual self in the most beautiful of ways. Embrace her....Love her....Accept her. Allow her free from her cage so she can bring back that missing piece. As a woman I know that Slutty Sally is easy to disapprove of. She can feel wild and uncontrollable. She can make us feel ashamed and dirty. Slutty Sally can bring back many sexual memories that activate feelings of guilt, shame and resentment. Slutty Sally became an enemy. She became someone we feared. Slutty Sally could not be trusted. What other choice did we have...we shut her down. We put Slutty Sally in a cage to punish her for her crimes and uncontrollable urge for sexual satisfaction. We decided that Slutty Sally could only do us harm. Slutty Sally wants to be FREE. She is screaming at you to let her out. Slutty Sally will behave herself. The two of you can co create to awaken your sexual diva and allow your sexual essence to be felt and expressed. Allow Slutty Sally to merge with who you are. She is absolutely amazing and she deserves to be loved. Slutty Sally will bring you excitement, creativity, pleasure, laughter, sexiness and you will become the seducer. Slutty Sally will awaken your senses and activate your sexual glow! LET HER OUT! ALLOW HER TO CO CREATE WITH YOU!LOVE HER! APPROVE OF HER! ACCEPT HER! |
February 2022