As I talk to women on a weekly basis I have noticed something that is so interesting to me...most women have a hard time saying the word Pussy! We have been taught that this is a bad word and it should never be used. We have heard the word pussy used in harsh ways and demeaning phrases. We must reclaim the pussy. Pussy is an absolutely beautiful word. Whisper it to yourself 5-10 times and you will feel the energy of aliveness. We have a Pussy, we are born with a Pussy, we came out of a Pussy and yet most can hardly say the word. Why? If we can't even say the word Pussy how are we possibly going to become connected to ourselves in a sexual way. Lets face it there are many different aspects of sex and sexuality but the Pussy is an important part. We can say she is the STAR of the show. Without the Pussy , the male penis can experience arousal and even orgasm but when the Pussy arrives with confidence and flare...the penis can feel her presence in a very powerful way. So as women we get to become really comfortable with the word Pussy as well as becoming more comfortable with the physical beauty our Pussy brings to the bedroom
We want to have a healthy emotional connection with our Pussy. Take some time and really become clear of any mental and/or emotional blocks that may have been adopted when it comes to your Pussy. We get to release any beliefs that have created a negative pattern and commit to creating new beliefs... positive powerful Pussy beliefs. The Pussy is a beautiful body part. The Pussy is AMAZING. The Pussy is something we as women should treasure as much as our men do. Men are absolutely fascinated with the Pussy. Men love the Pussy. Men want to be rubbing, touching, caressing and if at all possible have their penis parked inside the Pussy at all times. So your husband loves your Pussy and now it is time for you to love her as well. Here are a few exercises to become more connected and comfortable with the word Pussy as well as your actual Pussy. 1. Start using the word Pussy. You can do this silently. Just whisper the word. When you do you will feel her power and know that she is crying out to be loved and understood. Create a connection to your pussy. Tell her good morning and ask her what and how she is feeling. 2. Take care of your Pussy. Make sure you are taking care of her like the gem that she is. Make sure see is washed, shaved(if you like her shaved), polished and ready to be worshipped. Passion can happen at anytime and we want our Pussy to be the beauty she truly is. 3. Look at your Pussy . If you can not even look at your Pussy because you feel that she is not what you want her to be then this is creating a negative relationship to your Pussy. Look at how beautiful your Pussy is. Look just for 10 seconds and work your way up day by day until you become very comfortable with your Pussies beauty. 4. Do kegel exercises. This is tightening and releasing the muscles inside the Pussy aka the vagina . This will create orgasms that are more intense, a stronger healthier bladder, and a tighter space for your husbands penis pleasure. Start with 30 and then get so you are doing at least 100 a day...10 reps 10 times a day! You and your Pussy will be thanking you, maybe even screaming out in orgasmic pleasure....THANK YOU! Commit to establishing a healthier relationship with your Pussy. You and your Pussy will be happier, healthier and more satisfied in and out of the bedroom.
For the women of today , it can become easy to fall into the trap of feeling like we are " built for his pleasure". Men are very vocal about their wants and desires and their likes and dislikes. Men talk about their longing for the sensual feminine openly and boldly. Men comment on how sexy a woman's legs are or how beautiful her breasts are. Men love talking about what gets them excited sexually and its time for us girls to know that sensual pleasure is our birthright as well. We are not built just for his pleasure. As women we deserve to connect to our inner yumminess. We are absolutely amazing . We are soft. We are gentle. We are bold. We are the givers and receivers of the world. We are strong. We are smart. We are beautiful. We are the energy of the divine feminine. We are built for our own pleasure! We are the sacred feminine. The beauty and power we hold goes so deep. We would all fall to the floor in amazement if we could truly connect to this divine source. We are pleasure centers just waiting to be discovered. We can be a turned on woman. When I say a turned on woman, I am not saying that we just think about sex 24/7 and our pussies are always wet. I am saying that we come alive with our wants, desires and the beauty that we hold. We allow ourselves to feel 100% love for who we are and what we bring to the world with just our presence. We fall in love with the woman. Our bodies are alive and pulsing with sensual love and an open desire. We are sexual beings built to experience pure pleasure. Allowing ourselves the ability to know that we are built to experience joy and happiness when we are naked is one of the most beautiful connections we can create. We are sensual beauties and our bodies, no matter what they look like, want us to love and appreciate them. Our bodies are crying out to us. They long to be touched softly, by our own hand, with beautiful thoughts and yummy love. Our bodies want to experience pleasure and joy. They want to be appreciated and cared for. They long to hear the words that uplift and support them. We get to awaken to the gentle touch of our shoulder, the soft feather stroke up and down our forearm and the lite tickle of our lower back. We get to love our bodies. They want us to experience pleasure and love. We are built for pleasure! Today, plan a time that you can show yourself, true love. Do something that is special and do it for yourself. We all long for TRUE LOVE, the one person that can give you TRUE LOVE, is YOU! Stop being at war with your body and allow her to be loved the way she deserves to be loved. Pleasure is a birthright! The divine feminine is who we are! Start treating yourself like the amazing goddess you are! |
February 2022