![]() *Lust is not love. When woman says " I love him, I just don't know if I am in love with him". They really mean ..."I don't know if I am still in LUST with him. Lust dies in every relationship. Look at all the drop dead gorgeous men and woman that get cheated on. Hugh Grant cheated on Elizabeth Hurley with a really disgusting prostitute(she looked scary). We are human and when the lust dies we feel as thou we are missing something. If we seek this lust then the cycle will just keep recreating itself. Lust can fuel great sex leaving us filling satisfied and excited but when lust is gone sex can feel very disconnected and become another thing that causes pain in our marriage instead of pleasure. Lust fades but DESIRE...this can be the foundation of amazing sex in a marriage. If we desire great sex and put in the effort and dedication to creating great sex then magic can happen. Sex is a complex subject and the more we know and learn the more confident we can feel. I would suggest to commit for 1 month to be sexually intimate at least 4 times a week...even if you are tired. The sexual connection you once felt will slowly return and it will feel as thou you have unlocked a mystery of how to feel truly content in your marriage. If you are not connected sexually then you will look for any way out. Sex connects and grounds you as a married couple. *A strong sexual appetite as a woman is amazing if we are using these fantasies and thoughts to fuel our connection with our spouse. When we start having fantasies we HAVE to make sure that our husband is the one in the fantasy fulfilling our desire. When we start placing an actor, a neighbor or the cute man that stock shelves in the grocery store we are automatically placing strain on our sexual connection with our spouse as they will never live up to that fantasy. I know that fantasies and sexual thought are a great thing just always make sure your spouse is the one you are dreaming about. They are the only ones in reality that can play these desires out with you so start it off right in your head. Then create the scene and surprise your spouse. Tell your spouse what excites you and see if they are willing play. I know that men really want to please their wife so just share with them what you would like and I am sure that he will be more then willing to play with you. *Perception is a huge key in finding your hubby attractive, sexy and wanting to worship and caress every part of his body. If we are not constantly finding the yumminess in our husband and we are only looking and searching for all his faults then there is no way in hell you are going to be sexually satisfied by this man. We really get to find the things that at one time we found so attractive and bring these things back to the forefront of our thought process. Here is a good way to remember this .. we have two wolves inside our hearts one that is vicious and cruel and another that is loving and kind...which one will win? The one we feed~ Louise Minister I love this as it is the same in marriage. If we are looking to serve and love then our marriage will flourish...now take this thought process into the bedroom and serve and love every inch of your husband and both of you will create a connection that is so amazing. *Power struggle....this could be something that is causing a disconnect in the bedroom. Some woman have some hurts in their hearts and then a power struggle is unconsciously played out in their marriage. We do not want to be completely vulnerable and want to control every aspect of the marriage and sex can be all controlled by a woman if she wants to control it. *Then my last thought is to take the orgasm part of sex(for her)out. Woman at times can feel so much pressure to make their husband feel like an excellent lover by focusing on having an orgasm. This will disconnect the woman from being present and from being completely relaxed. I am not saying that she should never have an orgasm but try this a few times and see if it creates more of a connection of love, peace and total acceptance with no expectations in the bedroom. Sex is an art, a dance, an energy exchange and is so spiritual and all knowing but when pressure accompanys sex, then it is very physical , with no lust very physical superficial sex can leave you feeling sad, lonely and completely disconnected
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February 2022