Duality of Sex
I am starting to really notice the duality I feel when it comes to sex. There is this part of me that is super spiritual and connected to God. This part of me that wants sex with my husband to be pure, romantic, connected and special. This part of me wants sex to be emotional and euphoric. This part of me knows that my husband and I can have the most intimate, amazing, out of this world sexual connection. This is the part of me that I know is true BUT there is this other part of me. I am not going to deem this part wrong as I am just taking it for what it is. This other part of me wants to stop focusing on the spiritual side of sex and just focus on being down and dirty. This part of me wants to watch an erotic film with my husband, bring toys into the bedroom, hire a dancer for my husband as I sit and watch with anticipation and excitement. This part of me is the part that has bought into the social aspect of all the sexual images that are flashed before my eyes on a daily basis. This part of me I find exciting and then I also find scary and dangerous. The duality of sex can really cause confusion and create disconnection in our hearts, souls and minds. The spiritual side of sex can be beautiful and wonderful but also can also take patients and a time commitment if you have been living with disconnected sex. Sex can become like a diet...you try and stay focused and committed to achieving your end result but it can be easy to fall back into your old habits. Duality is found in everything. We get to love and accept ourselves where we are at the present moment. Know that we will create the best decision with Gods assistance for ourselves and not condemn or be ashamed in the process. Life is an experience. Sex is amazing and should be something we focus on so we can create the love and connection we deserve to create with our spouse. When we are feeling disconnected and falling back into our old habits we get to decide if this is going to serve our mission and accomplish our end goal. Duality in sex is normal and understandable. Be conscious of your choices and be responsible for actions. Focus on what you want in your sexual relationship and do not allow anything to enter that will not serve your highest purpose. Thank you for reading this...really putting myself out there with this blog...hope others can relate!
![]() Wow... a week vacation and coming home to find out our renters that live in our basement are moving. So many mixed emotions first excitement, then worry, then happiness and then complete and utter panic. Losing 850.00 a month in income is big. So blogging has taken a bit of a back seat but I am back and super excited.
As I am typing this I looked at the emotions that I have experienced with this life situation and it reminds me of sex in my marriage. At first it is so super exciting. I never placed any limitation or restriction on my sex life with my hubby. I was showered, shaved, smelling good and looking sexy always ready for the moment to arise to devour eachother. Then some time passed and this emotion that was so strong and steady started to lose its luster. Worry kicked in as the thoughts started racing in my mind. Am I losing his interest? Am I losing interest? Why do I not feel like I use to? Where is the lust? and so many other questions. I then found my inner answers to these questions and Happiness arrived. I started feeling content that all relationships shift and sway when it comes to their intimate connection. So I became happy where I was sexually with my husband. As time passed and years went by the complete and utter panic kicked in. My mind started racing as sex was not fun for me and it was ok for my husband. I do not blame my husband as I had shut down my sexual vibe. It has an on and off switch and I flipped it off without ever realizing it. I am young, vibrate, open and shut down sexually...this had to change. I talked very openly about sex and always have but when it comes to acting the part I have really had to work on that. I can now say after 13 years with my hubby we have and do experience sexual excitement of all kinds and I have broke out of my shell and into the confident woman that I have longed to become in the bedroom. I am not bragging by all means, I am stating this as I want you to know that all the thoughts that race in your mind about sex can become part of your reality once you are open and honest with yourself and your husband. Sexual connection and sexual conversations are so exciting. We get to step into the power of being in a happy, steamy, sexy relationship no matter how long you have been together. Find one thing that you long to do and do it with your man. Or fill one of his desires. My husband has always wanted me to do a strip tease for him and even thou I am a great dancer I dont feel extremly sexy so it was always a block for me. One night he came home to be sat down in a chair, with candles lite, music playing and a wife ready to earn some dollars...just kidding about the dollars. I broke out of my comfort zone with a little help from two people I like to call Bud and Wiser. I would never suggest you take up drinking if that does not appeal to you but a glass of wine or a few beers can do wonders in releasing fears that hold us back. My husband and I have been together for 13 years and I can not keep my hands off this man. I find him extremly sexy and I just want to touch, grab and kiss him every moment I can. He says nothing is different about him. Although he is working out and his arms are looking very delicious. The one thing I know has changed is my attitude about him. Here is a sexret...(secret about sex) USE AFFIRMATIONS ABOUT SEX. We have all heard about the power of positive affirmations. Start using them with and for your sex life.Start stating things like
February 2022