Take a moment and think of the last time I experienced a night full of pleasure and passion?
When was the last time I created a space for myself and my spouse to fully explore one another and show each other sensual love? Am I able to relax and breath into my body or do I hold my breath and tighten up my body when I am in a sexual environment? Am I able to receive pleasure? Am I able to give pleasure? Can I show up fully naked without judgment and fear? Do I take time to create space to experience sexual satisfaction? I feel as women we deserve to take time and really dive into the answers of these questions. Why have we shut this part of ourselves off? Why is receiving pleasure difficult for us? Do we feel unworthy? Do we feel unsafe? Do we feel judged? Are we comparing ourselves to other women who we think have it all together? Why do we notice every little flaw but we never give credit to all the beauty we hold? Do we feel like being sexually satisfied makes us dirty and whorish? Was our first sexual experience one that was damaging and hurtful or painful and confusing? These questions and answers can allow us to open up and shift many of our sexual blocks. If we are not sexually satisfied then we will always feel a disconnect with the world and we will absolutely feel disconnected from our spouse. When we have feelings of sexual dissatisfaction we will create more feelings of dissatisfaction and we will slowly allow ourselves to feel miserable inside our marriage and then our marriage will fall apart. Sex is extremely important to both a man and a woman. Men and women both love sex. Sex is a beautiful way to share ourselves with the one we truly love while receiving immense pleasure. Sex releases hormones that reduce stress. Sex brings happiness into our lives and allows us to connect on a very deep level. Sex is absolutely amazing. Sex is also super painful and filled with hardship and sadness as it activates our core beliefs about ourselves. What better way to know how we truly feel about ourselves then to get completely naked and allow yourself to be entered or be the one entering someone. This is a fool proof way to know if the core belief that is programmed inside us is a healthy one or if it is very damaging. Sex for most women is something that is very emotionally painful. This feeling is coming up because a core belief is being activated about ourselves that is not true and sex is allowing us to recognize it, feel it, and then release it as it no longer is a belief we want to have. Beliefs are just that...beliefs. We can choose to change them at any time. We will have to put some effort into shifting our sexual beliefs but I promise this journey is a journey that will pay off in so many ways. We will feel happier, healthier and whole. We will have feelings of deep love and pure gratification. The journey to awaken the sexual energy and feel it in a loving and peaceful way is a journey that is worth every step. Awaken to your divine right to be sexually satisfied. Open yourself up to the light and know that we all deserve this energetic sexual connection with ourselves and our spouse. Decide today to take the road less traveled and thou you will have many ups and many downs you will end up at the destination of pure joy and pure sexual energy. The place that allows us to feel the vibration of sexual energy. This is an amazing place and this place will allow our marriage to lock into a deeper connection that will be cemented in butterfly feelings. These feelings will be happening in our vaginal area and when we get butterfly feelings in our vagina how could we not be happy! Start your journey today! You deserve it! Your spouse deserves it! Your marriage deserves it! Reach out to me as I do one on one coaching sessions with emotional release sessions as well as guiding you on your journey to sexual freedom and sexual happiness! I love assisting individuals in releasing the core beliefs that keeps them from receiving pleasure and from fully showing up in their marriage. Marriages are the one relationship that can awaken us to all our core beliefs and when we are aware of these beliefs we can shift them to healthier beliefs and love our spouse more instead of blaming them and running. Artist: Samarel www.samarelart.com
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February 2022