![]() If I took a poll surveying 100 women , asking the question " Do you have an orgasm effortlessly during sexual intercourse on a regular basis?" Most women would probably say No. Once in a while , being in the perfect position, with the correct rhythm and every sense on high alert an orgasm can happen effortlessly for a woman but the majority of the time...effort is required. When women are feeling frustrated sexually I am sure that most of this frustration is coming from the lack of having orgasmic sex on a regular basis. Sex in itself is beautiful and very fulfilling. There are times that I have sex and feel completely satisfied without reaching my orgasmic state. I love being passionate with my husband and I love sharing myself with him in the most sensual and seductive ways. BUT I find myself very sexually frustrated if I stay in this space to long. Being a woman, with three kids, there are times that I please my husband really quickly in the bathroom, say while he is brushing his teeth. I enjoy this erotic moment and I am perfectly content making sure he is sexually satisfied and I love to throw the power of surprise into my marriage. But if I don't take the time to make sure that I am creating space in my sexual relationship with my husband to reach orgasm then sex becomes something that is enjoyable but it is like eating a bowl of ice cream without a spoon. The spoon helps you thoroughly enjoy every bite of the ice cream. Orgasm is a release for woman as well as men. We have all heard men state that they feel a pressure release inside themselves when they reach orgasm. Women have this some sexual tension built up inside of them but most women don't want to be honest with their man when it comes to sex and orgasm. I am telling you right now girls if you are not reaching an orgasmic state at least 50% of the time that you have sex then sex will become something that you no longer enjoy. An orgasm is so powerful and so intense that to me, it feels like it awakens every single cell in my body. It puts me in a space of complete serenity and I feel so blessed to have a husband that takes the time to make sure I have an orgasm no matter how long it takes and no matter what he has to do. My husband knows that power of a wifely orgasm. Sex is AMAZING....and sex with orgasm is even more amazing. So if you have been to shy to tell your husband that your are not reaching an orgasmic state on a consistent basis then now is the time. I promise you, it may be a blow to his ego and it for sure will be if you have been faking orgasm and he thinks that he is a sex stud but it will be so worth it in the long run. Get comfortable asking for pleasure. Most women achieve orgasm via clitoris stimulation. Make sure that the clitoris is part of your sexual voyage and you will both be singing in orgasmic tones. Orgasms are for men and women. Women deserve to have orgasm just as much as men do. I feel lighter on my feel, happier in my heart and a peace in my soul when I have experienced the pleasure of an orgasm. Orgasm in an amazing thing for both parties I just want to remind men and women that the female orgasm is just as much part of the bedroom as the male orgasm! Commit to making sure each one of you is satisfied in the most orgasmic of ways! It will strengthen your marriage! I promise!
8/17/2014 11:29:42 pm
I stumbled across your website and reality hit me. I've been married for 11 years. During my marriage this entire time I have not enjoyed we with husband. I was one who waited to have sex till marriage. I was so disappointed on my wedding night not to mention that it was the most painful experience in my life. To this day that night haunting me. I was not ignorant of the mechanics of sex but I felt no connection with my husband. My honeymoon was a nightmare. It was painful sex every day. I hated it. Fast forward to today nothing much has change. Sex is not as painful but it's not pleasing. I have been reduced to watching porn for my sexual pleasure. I not happy that I'm doing this but I have no choice. Religion really screwed me up. I'm so inhibited when it comes to my sexuality. So much fear was placed in me as a little girl. Especially when you were told that your value was based on your virginity. My husband suffers. When we are intimate I ask for the light to be off. Now that I'm older I hate my body and I hate myself. I so sad all the time because of this which leads me to more porn watching. I also read heavy erotica novels and pretend I am the beautiful women in the books. I am a lost soul and a lost cause. I don't care what anybody says RELIGION RUINS PEOPLE. Especially women
10/14/2014 06:18:47 am
TSA-thank you for sharing! My marriage is young and starting to show signs of weakened sexual bond. In my journey to improve the situation I have learned so much about the importance and power of love and accepting oneself unconditionally. I am still on this journey and I encourage you to seek the same. It's so easy to fall into circular thought patterns of guilt, shame, self-hate, etc. I challenge myself to a race of how quickly I can recognize these thought patterns and change to thoughts of "I am...love, sexy, passionate, worth it, in this relationship for my pleasure, too,..." Personally, I am also tired of telling myself those negative stories. My life right now isn't about what happened in the past or what might happen in the future-it's about right now! Happiness is in the present moment and I'm learning to practice this and give myself permission to ask for what I want without apology. Much love to you!
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