![]() In the last couple months I have paid close attention to all the movies coming out. I would say about 70% of them are demonic! The type of movie that makes me change the channel when the preview comes on, because the preview scares the shit out of me. These are not just violent movies, these are HARDCORE violent demonic movies. WHY? I don't understand why people are so drawn to these movies. I would love some comments on WHY? The movie can not possibly create a pleasant feeling. The movie can not possibly be uplifting. The movie can not possibly have a moral to the story. WHY are these hardcore violent movies so popular? Then I have watched for any movies that have sexual content. Sexual content in a movie that does not include violence. I don't think I found one. I could have overlooked one and please tell me if I did but not one movie that is uplifting that also has some sexual content included. Sex is natural and so beautiful. I am not talking about porn. Porn is...well just that...porn. I am talking about a movie with a great story. A story that has passion, excitement, desire...not a romance novel on film. Which I believe is the females version of porn, just more socially acceptable. I am talking about a movie where there is no violence included just a movie about life, love, happiness and SEX! WHY DOES THIS NOT EXIST? Cutting peoples heads off or having a demon posses their body is all perfectly okay to put on the big screen BUT heaven forbid there be any type of positive sex act. This is causing some major confusion for our society. If sex is always portrayed in a negative way it will be very difficult for sex to ever feel positive , uplifting and yes even spiritual. I feel like there is so much duality when it comes to sex. It feels good but you shouldn't do it. It is an amazing experience but only people that are lacking something in their life wants sex often. It is beautiful but only girls that are slutty and that don't have any morals enjoy sex and the list can go on and on. Wow...No wonder so many marriages are struggling with having an amazing sexual connection with one another. Women have been taught that sex is required for babies but if we enjoy it to much we are whores and men have been taught that all men want sex and once they get married the sex will diminish if not vanish all together. So when we are struggling emotionally with wanting to love sex but feeling it is wrong, and then men are wanting sex but afraid to get rejected once again. Then the movies reinforce all these beliefs and behaviors! Take a step back and really question your sexual behaviors and beliefs. If they are not serving you then change them. Stop watching movies that make you angry and include sexual acts in a negative and disgraceful way and start watching uplifting movies if you can find some that have sex shown in a beautiful, amazing, incredible way! Sex is one thing that we can and deserve to become comfortable with. We deserve to express our sexual self in an open and playful way. This will truly make your marriage flourish. Questions your Sexual beliefs Question your Sexual behaviors Question your Sexual thoughts Question if you are allowing to many Angry things into your life Question what you want in your marriage when it comes to the bedroom and then take steps to shift! Shift slowly. Small steps taken a day at a time can move mountains and I promise your mountain will be shaking with delight!
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February 2022