![]() Today I was sitting on the couch, as I watched my sexy husband cook some eggs with sausage and cheese. I really enjoyed watching him move through the kitchen. I loved seeing his masculine energy in the space that I usually occupy. While I was watching him I had this thought. My thought was...When was the last time I stood naked in front of the mirror and truly loved my feminine energy and my feminine body. When was the last time I stood in front of my husband naked, vulnerable, and confident that my body is beautiful? I then answered myself. I am very confident standing in front of the mirror naked. I can finally say I truly love my body but I feel a little insecure standing naked in front of my man? Why? Here is the answer that I received. I compare myself to my picture that I have created of the perfect sexy body. I created this picture years ago. I created this picture when I didn't even know what sexiness truly was. I created this from watching T.V, looking at magazines and seeing other girls at school. I created a woman that could not exist because none of these creations included me being me. All of these creations meant I had to change something about myself to feel sexy. No matter what I do now I can feel sexy for a while and then I always revert back to feeling insecure and unsure of myself. This all stems from the belief I created. The belief that sexy meant having a flat stomach( this is a HUGE on for me), Big boobs( I took care of this belief by having my breast enhanced and it didn't make me feel better) and a sensational appetite for sex( I often faked this one and then I felt disappointed that I really didn't feel this way). I now know that sexiness is so many things. Sexiness is having confidence. Sexiness is feeling happy. Sexiness is loving my body for everything she is. Sexiness is loving my vagina and appreciating her ability to give and receive. Sexiness is a simple look. Sexiness is feeling safe in my body. Sexiness is shaking my ass on the dance floor not for others but for myself. Sexiness is wearing my heart on my sleeve. Sexiness is opening up to receive. Sexiness is in the little things. Sexiness is being able to touch my body and feel sensual doing so. Sexiness is awakening to the fact that blissful pleasure is my divine right and I am loving every moment of my sensual journey. So I want to ask you... What is sexiness to you? Where did you create these beliefs? How are these beliefs serving you? Are these beliefs true? Is there a place where you can create new beliefs that will empower you so you can show up naked and feel amazing? We all deserve to stand naked...to stand proud...to stand in our vulnerability...to stand in our truth! We are all sexy and powerful. We are meant to experience our sexual self with pleasure and joy. Release the shame and guilt. Reach out to me for one on one coaching or check out my other website at www.mindbodysoulglow.com ! If you are looking for natural solutions to assist with your emotional needs then essential oils and/or the emotion code are absolutely amazing. Cinnamon Essential oil is amazing at balancing our sexual soul. Please reach out we deserve to release old beliefs so we can experience sex the way it should be experienced!
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February 2022