![]() This section of my website is dedicated to woman who want to understand why their man or men in general find porn so enticing. This is just my feelings on the subject matter. My goal is to assist women in not being so emotionally attached when it comes to their man watching porn. I know not all men watch porn but the majority of them do, either openly or secretly. Porn is here to stay and it is only becoming more and more dominant in our virtual world. I feel like we should understand men more when it comes to porn and not place so much shame, guilt and judgment on them. Men are sexually driven, visually stimulated and have many sexual thoughts a day. Their penis is running the thought process off and on all throughout the day. Men are amazing and absolutely wonderful! I am not saying that men are sexually demented. I am saying that understanding how much men relate to themselves through sexual satisfaction is something every woman deserve to know more about. Lets take a moment and see if we can ever recall these words coming out of a mans mouth... 1. " I wish I was not having so much sex". 2. " Why does my wife want to suck my dick all the time...she is so needy". 3. " I am just so tired of feeling like a piece of meat". Men love sex. They thrive with sexual desire. They dream of sex and they would love to have a harem of women just waiting and wanting to please their every sexual need. So does this desire and drive just vanish the moment the words " I DO" come out of their mouth? SORRY LADIES...the drive and desire are still there. Now that sex become predictable or the lack of sex comes predictable, the desire and drive kick up a few notches. So guess where Mr. Penis goes to satisfy his sexual urges and fantasies...The INTERNET! Here is something to remember...IF YOU CAN THINK OF IT, THERE IS PORN OF IT! I read in a book once that you can type into a search engine, person having sex with a goat that is in fire and the computer will come back and ask you to specify what type of goat! The internet is like baskin robins but instead of 31 flavors there are thousands of flavors all allowing men to express their sexual desire in the comfort of their home or office( hiding it from the wife). The internet may have been created for porn. Here are some statistics from dailyinfographic.com 1. 12% of websites are pornographic...that is 24,644,172 2.Every second $3,075.64 spent on porn and there are 28,258 people viewing porn...every second 3.40 million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites. 4. In the U.S. internet porn pulls in $2.84 billion dollars a year and world wide is $4.92 Billion. U.S. is over half! 5.25 billion emails per day are pornographic. That 8% of all emails 6. 25% of all search engine requests are pornographic related, that's 68 million a day 7. 35% of all internet downloads are pornographic 8. Utah has the nations highest online porn subscription rate per thousand home broad band users. 9. 20 % of men admit to watching porn online at work and 13% of women 10. The average porn site visit last 6 minutes and 29 seconds 11. Least popular day of the year for watching porn is Thanksgiving 12. Most popular day of the week for watching porn is Sunday The internet is a blank canvas just waiting to please a mans desires. Anything he wants he can experience in virtual reality. He just has to tell the computer what he wants and desires and then whola...he has it brought to him on a silver platter with many other side options to choose from. The best part is most men will not experience shame, guilt or judgment. Sexually this is a mans dream come true and many women would love this sexual freedom as well. No judgment, just sexual expression. Remember your man loves you with all his heart his desire to look at porn has nothing to do with his love for you. Take a deep breath and love your man unconditionally with all your heart!
![]() This section of my website is dedicated to woman who want to understand why their man or men in general find porn so enticing. This is just my feelings on the subject matter. My goal is to assist women in not being so emotionally attached when it comes to their man watching porn. I know not all men watch porn but the majority of them do, either openly or secretly. Porn is here to stay and it is only becoming more and more dominant in our virtual world. I feel like we should understand men more when it comes to porn and not place so much shame, guilt and judgment on them as well as on ourselves. From the moment of birth boys have something outside of their body that is used for sexual satisfaction. When boys come into this world it is like they hear " Welcome to the world and here is your penis. Your penis is here to guide and protect you, your penis will love and support you and he will never let you down". Men have an instant connection to their penis. The penis is outside of the body and in plain open sight. Boys are very curious about their penis from a very young age. What does it do? What is this sack below my penis? Can I pull on it? Can I push it inward? Can I squeeze it? From a very young age their penis is an amazing part of their boyhood. The relationship to the penis builds over time and the connection to the penis increases every year. Boys are taught to love their penis. They cherish their penis like a prized gem! The penis represents testosterone, strength, character, and most of all the ability to procreate. The ability to have a woman carry their heir! If we went back to our ancestors and asked them about men's sexual behaviors in that time they would have stories of men sleeping with as many women as possible with the hope that their legacy would remain. This desire is still built into the 21st century man. The desire to spread his seed is still there. Front and Center, always reminding him that the more sex he has the better his chances are of creating a healthy baby to carry on the blood line...only now this man is married. This married man still has strong sexual desires and he is designed to conquer the land with his sexual urges. So what happens now? He is married, happy, loves his wife and wants to give her everything she desires but when the lust wears off the male brain has a big, bright, flashing neon sign that says..."NEXT". His penis is wanting to conquer new land but his brain knows better. An affair never enters his brain but guess what does? porn! The penis can go to the computer and place himself in any new scenario possible. The brain gets the message that the new land has been conquered and Whola...Penis satisfaction. We are not to different from many animals out there. Most male animals have sex with many females. They spread their seed as much as possible until they cannot perform any more from pure exhaustion. There is scientific data performed in a lab with a male rat. Men are not rats but the sexual aspect may be similar. A female rat was dropped in the cage. She started shaking her groove thing and the male rat began to respond to her signals. When she decided to let him mount her she raised her hips and Mr. rat went to town. Here is the funny thing. After mating with her once the male rat was no longer sexually stimulated by her. He would not mount her, he had lost his sexual desire...or had he? They then dropped in a new female rat in the cage and guess what happened. The male rat was eager to mount her, showing immediate signs of arousal. After he mounted her he lost desire for her as well. They dropped in 12 different females and with each new female rat the male rat was excited and aroused but after conquering the female the male rat lost desire. He finally stopped after 12 females from pure exhaustion. Again our men are not rats...but their brain does work very similar when it comes to sexual stimulation and arousal. The male brain is full of sexual wants and desires. Porn satisfies all these wants and desires from the comfort of the computer room. |
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